Work-life Balance

Random Acts of Kindness

2020-01-06T14:30:49-05:00January 29th, 2019|

We’ve all heard such phrases as “paying it forward” and “do unto others”, but it turns out there’s actually a substantial amount of scientific backing behind the principle of doing good for others. We all know that doing good feels good, but there are also [...]

Connection and Community

2020-01-06T14:48:06-05:00July 5th, 2018|

Diverse friends / students shoot What are you plans for the 4th of the July? For some of us, Independence Day might include having a cookout at a friends' house, going for a hike with your dog, taking the kids swimming or watching fireworks [...]

Wisely Wrapping Up 2017

2020-01-06T16:41:36-05:00December 5th, 2017|

The end of the year is coming and many of us are looking forward to the New Year in 2018. Setting New Year’s resolutions is always a great idea, but why wait until the New Year to get started on promoting positivity in your life!? [...]

More than Just Talk

2020-01-06T18:45:25-05:00April 28th, 2017|

Sometimes the idea of speaking to a counselor can be met with skepticism. A common question that we hear in the counseling world is, "Can just talking really help me?" But the thought that counseling is "just" talking is actually a misconception. In today's world, [...]

Mental Illness vs. Mental Health: The Difference and Why it Matters in the Workplace

2020-01-06T18:47:56-05:00August 12th, 2016|

The terms ‘mental health’ and ‘mental illness’ are often though of and used interchangeably. Unless you are a psychotherapist or some other practitioner in the field, you probably don’t think much about the difference between the two or aren’t even aware that there is a [...]

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